A Look Ahead
Get reading for some fun, challenging reading this week here at Substack.
I will begin the week with a look at what leaders feel when they are leading. The one who expressed his leader-ly feelings is not often connected with being an emotional kind of leader. Drop by Monday. (Public)
Tuesday the about-to-appear book by Sandra Glahn discusses architecture and art. OK, fine. But her architecture and art is about ancient Ephesus and the goddess Artemis (Diana). What Sandra Glahn discusses in her book is how what we have learned about Artemis matters for 1 Timothy 2. And you all know what’s in 1 Timothy 2.
How do you know if you are a Christian nationalist? What are the signs of Christian nationalism? Check out this Substack Wednesday.
The Lord’s Prayer. We begin a new series on the Lord’s Prayer with a fresh, helpful book about the foundation of Christian prayer.