Our Doctor of Ministry course on Jesus and Women now concluded — with the joys of fellowship, the stimulation of learning from one another’s presentations, and always the sadness of departing from one another, ended with the joy of joys. One of our students gave birth to her fourth child. Not in class mind you, but we all knew all week long that babies appears when they want to. Not so miraculously as in the Protevangelium of James, a text the mother mentioned in class. All is well with mother and child.
Photo by Jazmin Quaynor on Unsplash
Monday is M.L. King Jr Day so I hope you join me in reading his “I Have a Dream” speech. A truly epic speech with more than national importance.
Tuesday, in memory of King, we turn to Vincent Wimbush’s The Bible and African Americans, and we step into the Third Reading and into the Circle. Join us. His book not only instructs us about African American Bible readings but it exposes our traditional, invisible whiteness.
Wednesday and Thursday: I turn two questions about the Pastoral Epistles: Who are those opponents, or who formed into opposition against Paul, or whom did Paul himself oppose, in 1-2 Timothy and Titus? And who wrote those letters? From my new commentary, with wonderful assistance from my former research assistant, Justin K. Gill.
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