Coming This Week at Tov Unleashed
I saw a brief clip of someone observing the lack of respect for pastors today and explaining what pastors can do to gain that respect. On Monday I will touch on this but I would say this today: when the pastors failed, when the priests failed, you said nothing. You have been protecting one another, staying out of another pastor’s business. Here’s the problem: each pastor with any media is a world-pastor and not just a local-church pastor. When these pastors collapsed the world-church waited for you to clarify, to call out, and to call to repentance. You said nothing. Sometimes you defended with praise for all the good they had done. Many no longer trust you. Monday’s post will be about “Evangelicalism Unmasked.”
Tuesday I begin a new series about the Bible — what is it? why is it? how to read it? A seven week series that will help us re-orient our theology of the Bible.
Wednesday: what does “poor in spirit” mean? How has the church explained this beatitude?
Thursday we finish the Eugene Peterson biography, and you can get the reading at Tov Unleashed. The reading is pages 262-311.
Friday: Revelation. Join us.