Coming This Week on Tov Unleashed
Monday will be a special day on Tov Unleashed.
We open with a conversation about listening – “talk less, listen more” – as a form of developing our table life and fellowship. But we will also have a (free) guest post about whether there are just wages for NCAA athletes. Monday is a good day to think about such things, right? The women’s NCAA tourney is tonight and the men’s tomorrow night.
Tuesday we ask the question Is doubt a sin? We will look at Rebekeh Eklund’s pondering of this very question – timely in light of some strident comments made lately – as a form of lament.
Prison ministries are neglected today, but Aaron Griffith has told the story of the development of prison ministries with some splendid anecdotes. Prison ministries, however, have not always been sensitive (or even aware) of systemic issues like race and prison reform.
The Nones again in our open access post on Thursday. Who are they? Ryan Burge shows that the Nones are a fascinating array of people and stereotypes don’t work. Two of the fastest growing Nones come to the surface. I learned a lot in his study of the “Who are they?” topic.
Friday we discuss the theme of conversion. Conversion is often misunderstood by requiring it to fit one model – and churches play their part in reducing conversion to joining that particular church. Conversion, however, has dimensions and it helps all of us to consider all the dimensions of conversion.
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