This week will be an exciting week at Tov Unleashed. Not only will we begin our conversation about the new biography of Eugene Peterson (Thursday) — here is the reading schedule — but we will kick off the week with a discussion of the Non-Disparagement Agreements (NDAs) being enforced in churches.
I will also have some response to the recent news that vaccines are being rejected by a disproportionate number of white evangelicals. Is this a religious, discipleship, theological issue? Join us.
Mike Bird and I will begin our discussion of whether or not Christian engagement in public issues — government, voting, laws, etc — is a kind of Constantinianism even if many want to deny it? Is it?
More on Lament, more on conversion, and more … think of subscribing.
At the end of April or early in May we will begin a weekly discussion for our full subscribers of Rebekah Eklund’s new book, The Beatitudes Through the Ages, a book that tells the “story” of each beatitude as it comes to life in the history of the church. This will be great preparation for those who are thinking of preaching through the Beatitudes this summer or Fall.
Can't wait for the conversation on Eugene Peterson. Been anticipating it since you first had mentioned the idea.