One can discuss the varieties of stories at work in Israel by focusing on the major characters (Adam/Eve, Abraham, Moses, etc), events (creation, covenant, exodus, exile), and terms used to put it all together (covenant faithfulness, divine disciplines). We discussed one such story last week, the Kingdom story of Jesus.
But within every story are also three theological themes that get re-arranged by various groups.
The three themes are:
Theology: Who is God? What is God called?
Relation of God to Humans? Covenant
How are Covenant people to live? Torah: various forms of Torah faithfulness
God —> Covenant —> Torah
Each major group in Israel’s history – Maccabees, Pharisees, Sadducees, Essenes, Zealots, Jesus followers, rabbis – works with each of these categories and each can take on a special term that expresses that spot in their relationships.
I will reduce the three categories to one or two terms just to get the big ideas in their proper spots. But notice how various groups shift terms and ideas.
I call these “concept maps” and one can draw a triangled relationship for each, but I will keep them in a line because I don’t know how to make triangles in Word or on this program for Substack. These are obviously a bit too simplified, but it’s a start for considering how various groups coordinate various major ideas. In simplifying other terms are buried in the terms used.
Now, at the end I’d like comments to discuss how “evangelicals” in the USA would form these three themes into terms. What would the three terms be in your church? denomination?
Deuteronomy’s Basic Scheme
Yahweh —> Israel/Covenant —> Torah for life in the land
Yahweh —> Covenant/Israel/Land —> Torah as defense of temple and land
Yahweh —> Covenant —> Torah expressed in Halakhah for life in land
Yahweh —> Covenant as temple and priesthood —> maintain temple, govt
Yahweh —> temple, priesthood, but corrupted —> withdraw, rigorous halakhic Torah obedience, future battle
Yahweh —> Covenant/Israel/Temple —> Torah as defense of land and temple and nation
Father —> Kingdom of God —> Torah as call to discipleship to himself
Father —> “In” Christ, in church —> Life in Spirit
What about your own church’s categories?
Here my thoughts, such as they are after just woken up, and wanting to respond before the day gets going!
Based on God --> Covenant --> Torah:
- Here's what it looks like at Vintage:
Trinity --> Church as extended family on mission --> Jesus Creed
(NOTE: just for context, so you can see how this gets further mapped out at Vintage, I'm linking you to our "Vision and Values" page: )
Based on my past experience, and observations:
- Here's what I see in what evangelicalism used to be, in the Bebbington years:
God --> The Bible --> Telling people about Jesus to save them from hell
- Here's what I see in what much of evangelicalism has become to one degree or another
(I.e. Christian Nationalism), reflected in du Mez's research:
God as Exclusively/Literally Male --> The Bible + The Constitution (emphasis on the 2nd Amendment) --> Defend the Truth and Freedom of this God-favored nation, violently if necessary
As you mention, this is super broad, with tons of room for nuance and a spectrum of thought/expression, but those are the broad strokes as I see them. Thanks for this piece - this was a fascinating exercise!
deacon godsey
Hey, I'm coming from over the pond so maybe that doesn't help too much. But where do you think covenant fits in with Jesus and Paul? Should 'cross' go in second for one of them, for e.g. if we take Phil.2:6-11 as a model of Paul's vision of Jesus or Christlikeness?
Or do you think there are multiple layers of stories all at once? Like...
King -> Kingdom of God -> service
Father -> Cross -> sacrificial love
Just trying to get my head around these categories!