I hope your Labor Day weekend has been (and is) relaxing and refreshing, and please stay safe on those roads. It seems like half of America is in motion on Labor Day. Enjoy! (However you do enjoyment.)
Photo by Mason Dahl on Unsplash
I begin the week here by reflecting again on an essay by my favorite theologian. The essay’s topic? Stupidity. We will dip into the wisdom of that essay, written long ago but of value in our day. “Moral blindness is more dangerous than malice.”
Tuesday I propose that something being ignored is flipping the vote. A significant segment of the voting public is shifting and it will make an impact. “Evangelicalism has suffered immensely for its politics of alignment with the GOP. The next generation, we think, will undo what its parents did.”
Heather Hart examines a chapter by Heather Matthews, concluding that she’s holding her breath. “I didn’t want to revisit the painful memories of this trip or a thousand other times when my gender has relegated me to a second-class position. I’d acknowledged these situations and put in the work to grow beyond them, can’t I be done thinking about this?”
Watching some followers of Jesus move from observers to participants, and we do so in a sermon by Sarah: “Now we’re ready to see what the cost might be for the disciples in moving from observers to participants. Jesus challenges them right out of the gate when he tells them to take nothing with them as they go out in their ministry. Let’s look at verses 3-5: “He told them, ‘Take nothing for the journey—no walking stick, no bag, no bread, no money, not even an extra shirt. Whatever house you enter, remain there until you leave that place. Wherever they don’t welcome you, as you leave that city, shake the dust off your feet as a witness against them.’”
It’s gonna be a good week here at Substack, which is called Tov Unleashed.
Thank you Scott. Thank you writing about a tough topic. Have a great holiday weekend.