Some of you know Laura and I are working on a project to help churches move from toxic patterns and cultures into a tov culture. At the heart of a toxic cultures are leaders who do not recognize what drives them.
OK: let’s admit it. Many think their theological statements, confessions and creeds drive them. Many think their Bible teaching drives them. They are indeed at least partly right. But under those desires to be sound in theology and faithful to the Bible are drives that determine how they use that theology and how they use that Bible to accomplish what they want.
In listening and learning and watching and reading we find four terms help us think about what drives toxic leaders. Toxic leaders may well believe the right things and teach the Bible well, but their drives turn such theology and Bible off the path into toxic, septic fields.
Ambition. Life is shaped by ambitions. Some of it is good -- an ambition to master a musical instrument, an ambition to please God, an ambition to . Some of it is fleshly, like the ambition to dominate and control others. But ambition cannot be ignored in cultural assumptions: underneath our skills and talents are energies of ambition, sometimes on the part of a key leader or a set of leaders.
At work under, behind, and over every cultural assumption is power to make things happen. It is the oxygen in the air and under the surface.
Tell me what you think are the toxic drivers at work in pastors?
Another toxic drive is success. Success becomes fleshly when it is measured by growth and numbers. Why do churches use numbers to measure success? That is, beside being able to announce with pride new baptisms? Because growth means a church will gain a reputation of being God-blessed. It means the church acquires a big reputation and makes a difference and climbs the ladder of fame for other churches to emulate. Growth makes the church and its leaders and members feel important. Pastors and churches are driven by their measurements of success, whether they say it or even know it. Measuring success by numbers leads to giving people what they want, which statement dips our feet into a big muddy river called consumerism — for another day.
Greed. It’s too obvious for us to see. For a church to operate, it has to have enough money to pay pastors and staff, to pay a mortgage and utility bills, to send out missionaries, etc.. To have sufficient money a church has to have the kind of success that produces butts in the pew, bills in the offering plate, baptisms in water, and buildings. The wise use of money sometimes hops the rails and becomes a fleshy desire for more and more money. Another flesh-shaped word here would be greed, or the wanting to acquire more and more, which in the New Testament is called “idolatry” (Colossians 3:5). One of the most irritating terms I’ve heard used for people in a church is “giving units.” Call me naive but that’s fleshly.
Glory/fame. Among the drives of those with fleshly ambition is to be well-known, to make their mark, to be famous, and to reach the so-called top of the list of established pastors. To gain the approbation of the bigwig pastors at bigwig churches as an up-and-coming star pastor. Some will brush this off as a hazard they have to endure, but mark our words: glory runs deep in humans and is a major nutrient in the cultural system of churches. We have seen this drive for self-importance not only in senior pastors but in associates, elders, and even team leaders enjoying the glory and feelings of self-importance within their own church culture. The distinguishing marks of fame-driven pastors are comparisons and competitions. By which we mean the glory-driven person is always looking over his shoulder to see if someone behind him’s numbers are catching up to his, or looking ahead to see whom he can pass next.
As I read this, I felt, once again, grateful for the teaching pastor at my own church. Humility and genuine care, and hard work to check themselves against these four qualities you mention seem to characterize him. I am sadly aware of how greed drastically affected a prominent and large church in our area to which many of my close friends attend and are on the board. It was discovered that their pastor had been "paying himself" with luxuries on trips, clothing, fancy meals out, etc., without approval or going through proper channels. Sadly, that pastor committed suicide when it became public. What you share in Tov is helpful to many. That church is slowly recovering.
(New here - thanks so much for "A Church Called Tov" and these types of posts - it's so helpful to know people are thinking of these things!)
Love this and agree with all of the drives you mentioned!
Not sure if others have framed it this way, but this post made me think that there are "fulfillment idols" ("If only I had that, I'd be happy/enough/fulfilled") and "survival idols" ("If I lose this, I'll be destroyed/dead"). Both have the power to consume someone. The ones you've described here are mostly in the "fulfillment idols", with the possible exception of success.
A hypothesis: I wonder how many young pastors get into it, spend a decade, and then at least partially start acting out of self-preservation. That is, to admit wrongdoing would feel like a threat to their very survival - they might have a mortgage/etc. In complementarian circles the pastor's wife might not have a job (or marketable skills), or the pastor just might be single. In toxic environments, the pastor may have been pressured to "give everything" to Jesus, such that he may be underpaid and also has given any savings to the church in offerings, building funds, church plant funds, etc. And the pastor himself may not have any idea what he would do for a living if he didn't lead a church - what job would he even be qualified for - would it pay anywhere near what it pays know? So I wonder if this adds to the betrayal blindness that Russell Moore was writing about the other day (I know he's not the first - just a great look at it)? A pastor or staff member becomes unable to admit wrongdoing or see the toxicity in the environment around them because it would threaten their very livelihood. This could also apply to other "survival" needs like the life-giving relationships they have in the church. (I appear to have lost many of my best friends when we left our toxic church).
I have no idea how to solve this one - require pastors to carry savings equal to a year's salary? And maybe consistently, constantly ask pastors and staff to examine themselves for idols, even asking point blank "has the church become an idol for you?" and helping them walk through how to destroy that idol. Showing people that they really will be ok without "that thing", because they have Jesus, seems like it'd be a part of this. I wasn't on staff, but reading Counterfeit Gods (Keller) and really studying 1 Peter 1:13-21 was something that was key for me in getting out of our church.
Thank you again!