Get Ready for the Week
If you are looking for some good things to read this week, schedule a daily read of this Substack.
Monday’s post has a table that compares a bundle of verses in The Second Testament with the identical verses in the NIV. I’m grateful to the one who sent me the table and I sense you will be able to see what the essentials are of each translation. If you want to know what makes the 2dTestament different, join this Substack.
God’s kingship, the politics of praise, the Book of Psalms — and toss in the great vision of Jubilee and you get Tuesday’s Substack.
What about having women equip women? Instead of men? Yes. Women know what women need to lead, so on Wednesday we will listen in on Carolyn Moore’s four essential needs for women to get themselves equipped to lead. Practical. Do-able. Real.
Thursday’s Substack will give a series of questions that can measure your “humor orientation.” No kidding. I loved this set of questions.
Your entire staff needs this week’s Substack.