Yēsous and Pascha (John 2:13-22, from The Second Testament).
13 The Youdaians’ Pascha [Passover] was close, and Yēsous ascended to Yierosoluma [Jerusalem], 14 and he found in the temple persons selling oxen, sheep, and doves, and seated moneychangers. 15 Making a whip from ropes, he tossed all out from the temple (both the sheep and oxen), and he poured out the moneychangers’ coins and turned over the tables, 16and to the sellers of doves he said, “Lift these things from here, do not make my Father’s house a business house!” (17 His Apprentices remembered that it’s written, Zeal for your house gobbles me up.)
18 The Youdaians, therefore, responded and said to him, “What authenticating sign do you demonstrate for us that you do these things?” 19 Yēsous responded and said to them, “Loosen this sanctuary and on third day I will raise it.” 20 The Youdaians therefore said, “This sanctuary was formed over forty-six years, and you willraise it in three days?” (21But that one was saying [this] about his body’s sanctuary. 22Therefore, when he was raised from among the dead ones, his Apprentices remembered that he was saying this, and they trusted in the writing and in the word Yēsous said.)
Thank you