Gospel Reading
From my forthcoming translation, The Second Testament
Yēsous and a wilderness dipper
3:1 In those days Yōannēs the Dipper arrives announcing in the wilderness of Youdaias, saying, 2 “Convert! The Heavens’ Empire has come close!”
3 For this is the spoken about through Yēsaias [Isaiah] the prophet, saying,
A voice bellowing in the wilderness;
‘Get ready the Lord’s path,
Make his ways straight!’
4 Yōannēs himself was having his clothing from camel’s hairs and an animal skin belt around his waist, and his provision was locusts and wild syrup. 5 Then Yierosoluma [Jerusalem] and all Youdaia and all the Yordanēs [Jordan River] region was journeying out to him, 6 and were being dipped in the Yordanēs River by him, publicly acknowledging their sins.
7 Seeing many of the Observant and Elites [Pharisees and Sadducees] coming to his dipping, he said to them,
Knot of vipers! Who exhibited to you to flee from the anger about to come? 8 Therefore, make fruit deserving of conversion 9 and don’t think to say among yourselves, ‘We have Abra’am as father,’ for I say to you that ‘God is able to raise up from these stones children for Abra’am.’ 10 Already the ax is laid on the trees’ root. Therefore, every tree not making beautiful fruit is chopped down and tossed into fire. 11 I dip you in water for conversion, but the one coming after me is stronger than me – of him I am not adequate to carry the sandals. He will dip you in Holy Spirit-and-fire. 12 His sifting shovel is in his hand and he will clear his floor and will collect his wheat into storage, but the husks he will burn in an inextinguishable fire.
Yōannēs dips Yēsous
13 Then Yēsous arrives at the Yordanēs from the Galilaia to Yōannēs to be dipped by him. 14 But Yōannēs was preventing him, saying, “I have a need to be dipped by you, and come to me?” 15 Responding, Yēsous said to him, “Release this for now for so it’s appropriate for us to fill out all rightness.” Then he releases him. 16 Being dipped, Yēsous suddenly ascended from the water, and Look! The heavens were opened, and he saw the God’s Spirit descending as a dove, coming upon him. 17 Look! A voice from the heavens, saying “This is my royal Son, the one loved, in him I was delighted.”