John 17:1-11, from The Second Testament
Yēsous prays
17:1 Yēsous spoke these things and, lifting his eyes to the heaven, he said,
Father, the hour has come. Splendor your Son so your Son may splendor you, 2 just as you gave to him authority over all Flesh, so -- all that you gave to him – he may give to them Era-Life. 3 This is Era-Life, that they may know you (the only true God) and him you commissioned (Yēsous Christos). 4 I splendored you on the land, completing the work that you have given to me that I may do. 5 Now you splendor me, Father, by your side with the splendor that I had by your side before the Kosmos was.
6 I made your name apparent to humans that you gave me from the Kosmos. They were yours and you gave them to me and they have observed your word. 7 Now they have known that everything that you gave to me is from you 8 because the utterances that you gave me I have given to them and they received and knew truly that I exited from you, and they trusted that you commissioned me.
9 I ask for them, I do not ask for the Kosmos but for the ones you have given to me because they are yours, 10 and all who are mine are yours and yours mine, and I have been splendored in them. 11 I am no longer in the Kosmos, and they are in the Kosmos, and I come to you. Devoted Father, keep them in your name that you have given to me so that may be one just as we [are one].
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