From The Second Testament, now out!
Matthew 10:24-39
24An apprentice isn’t above the teacher, nor is a slave above the lord. 25It’s adequate for an apprentice to become as one’s teacher, and a slave as one’s lord. If they called the master of the house ‘master of demons’ [Beelzeboul], how much more his house members.
26Therefore, don’t be scared of them. For there is nothing covered that will not be apocalypsed, and hidden that will not be known. 27What I say to you in the darkness, say in the light! What you hear in the ear, announce on terraces! 28Don’t be scared of ones killing the body but not ones able to kill the self. Instead, be awed of the one able to destroy both self and body in the Valley of Destructive Fire [Gehenna]. 29Are not two little sparrows sold for an assarion? Not one of them falls on the land apart from your Father. 30Even your head’s hairs are all numbered. 31Therefore, don’t be scared. You are superior to all the little sparrows.
32Therefore, everyone who openly agrees with me before humans I will also openly agree about that person before my Father in the heavens. 33Whoever denies me before humans, I will also deny that person before my Father in the heavens.
34Don’t think that I came to toss peace on the land. I did not come to toss peace but a long knife. 35For, I came to split a man against his father and a daughter against her mother and a bride against her mother-in-law 36and a human’s enemies—his own house members. 37The one loving father or mother more than me doesn’t deserve me, and the one loving son or daughter more than me doesn’t deserve me, and 38the one who doesn’t take his cross and follow behind me doesn’t deserve me. 39The one finding one’s self will destroy it, and the one destroying one’s self—because of me— will find it.