Last Week at Tov Unleashed
We started last week with the important reminder that major voices in the complementarian camp agree that it is another term for patriarchal. Not as acceptable, no doubt, and that is why the term “complement” was grabbed from a group who was using it for the view now often called “egalitarian.” I like the term “mutualism” myself. It has not caught on.
Photo by Priscilla Du Preez on Unsplash
The viral posts about PreachersNSneakers set us off on a conversation about how pastors and those on the platform should dress. It was a good discussion all around, hope you take a look.
I’m a fan of the careful study by Aaron Griffith about (mostly) evangelical prison ministries — its ups and downs, its goods and bads, and how Chuck Colson’s vision may be the best one of all. Take a look.
And on Thursday we continued — and will continue (join us) — our series of reflecting on Winn Collier’s beautiful new book about the life of Eugene Peterson. Last week we looked at the impact of his decisions, and next week we will turn to another topic.
I began a series on Fridays about the Pharisees — a term many use today in complete disregard of what the term meant in the first century. Time for us to show some respect. Yes, I cringe 90% of the time I hear Christians using this term.