Looking Ahead (and Peeking Back)
You are invited to join us this week for conversations on Tov Unleashed about:
Martha C. Nussbaum’s brilliant new study, Citadels of Pride. In this book she examines what it takes to give a woman (or anyone) genuine respect as a person, and how men have formed systems that prevent that respect from occurring.
On Tuesday we turn to questions people ask us about abusive male pastors in churches: How can this happen with men who are in so many other ways spiritually effective? And do people in the church witness this abuse and attempt to do something, or do they become complicit by silence?
Wednesday we turn to the question: Is our privilege a sin? How can we best leverage our privilege and power for the the common good? We will discuss the opening to Dominique Dubois Gilliard’s Subversive Witness.
Thursday we turn again to another lesson from Gardner C. Taylor: the significance of context for pastoring and preaching.
Friday we continue looking at the economic justice vision of the apostle Paul by dipping a little more into a full-length study about the early bishops having an economic distribution role in the churches.
Last week we discussed what would happen if churches began to develop character and shifted away from concentrating on numbers; on Christ-centered Bible reading and what that looks like and what it doesn’t look like; at why so many avoid preaching and teaching and even reading the narratives of the Old Testament; at how Gardner Taylor learned “passing the torch” and did the same himself; and on Friday we began a discussion about Paul and economics: did he drop the ball Jesus passed him when it came to justice for the poor?