Looking Ahead (and Peeking Back)
Last week here at Tov Unleashed we had conversations about male citadels of power and how they have silenced women in many ways, about questions people ask us about why pastors abuse power and why more don’t speak up, about whether or not privilege is a sin, about learning to do church locally and in context, and then we turned to order in churches. A good week — and here’s what’s coming this week:
Tomorrow we look at the “five powers” of a pastor or of church leadership.
Tuesday we turn to the value and danger of anger and outrage.
Wednesday our conversation will be about how you can leverage your privilege and power as did Vashti and Esther.
Thursday we look at integrity and ministry.
Friday … we turn again to the question of church elders/bishops and how they can leverage their privilege and power and money to help the poor in the church and community.
Join us.