Our series on deconstruction will continue this week but I want to add a word about it. Pastors and churches and church leaders are struggling to come to terms with what’s going on. When the issues are difficult to know any suggestions about the way forward are even harder to know. Pray for your church’s leaders. And for those helping to cut their way through some thickets.
Speaking of which, Monday we will continue with another important term in the reconstruction process that moves through deconstruction to want a better way. Tuesday I will propose that a recent dustup in Twitterverse isn’t as simplistic as someone suggested. Wednesday I turn back to Raphael Warnock’s enlightening analysis of Martin Luther King and on Thursday I will turn to Dana Harris’ essay on the Book of Revelation. I’m busting at the seams to say more about each of these so tune in this week.
Last week we looked at deconstruction and reconstruction — and the need for honesty — and at Kirsten Powers’ wonderful new book calling us to show more grace to one another, and at Raphael Warnock’s excellent study of the tensions in the Black Church over the personal and the social, and then at Dennis Edwards’ wonderful essay on Peter the pastor.
I like the safe space vibe of Substack and appreciate your participation.
Looking forward to the week ahead.