Looking Ahead, Peeking Back
This is our weekly newsletter about the conversations of the coming week.
Monday, being Labor Day, will be about the labor movement and its designated holiday.
Tuesday concerns ACNA’s (Anglican Church of North America) dealing with allegations of power, spiritual and sexual abuse. Episcopalian friends of mine are nodding their heads these days over the irony of a church that contended for the faith now wounding the faith of so many by abusive behaviors. I want to help us discern spiritual abuse.
Wednesday’s post title is “McKnight v. Boersma.” Enough said. Join us.
Thursday we look at the question behind the question, that is, answering the question of “Who is, or What is, a Christian?”
Friday I plan to begin a series on Jesus’ double commandment to love God and others, what I call the Jesus Creed.
Last week began with Ruth Tucker’s excellent sketch about what a cult is. Tuesday we sketched a recent book that described how Americans have perceived what it means to be an American: covenant, crucible, creed, and cacophony. Wednesday we worked aloud on defining sexism, structural sexism, and misogyny, which paired well with Thursday’s post on ten marks for successful working of women and men together. Friday we opened a window on understanding what conversion is.