Looking Ahead, Peeking Back
We look forward to our conversations this week here at the newsletter, Tov Unleashed.
Photo by Dennis Buchner on Unsplash
I’m still unsure about the fourth newsletter this week but this is what is scheduled:
Monday: Beyond Deconstruction: A Parable and a Paragraph
Tuesday: Gospel Living in the Early Church, a post about the significance of caring for the poor by the earliest Christians.
Wednesday: Black Theology is Not White Theology, and why that needs to be said and why it matters.
Thursday: still thinking
Peeking Back:
Beyond Deconstruction: we looked at the importance of humility for deconstructors and reconstructors.
At some evangelicals tiring with critique but who seem to think sugar coating the story is the only way to tell the history.
On the impact Martin Luther King, Jr., had in the Black Church and how his impact precipitated Black Theology itself.
Dana Harris’ wonderful sketch of king Jesus in the Book of Revelation.