Looking Ahead, Peeking Back
This week will be a special week because so much will be fresh and new. Here are the questions for each day’s conversation on this Substack newsletter.
Does a survivor-centric approach to allegations diminish pastoral authority?
What do various major denominations in the church believe about inspiration?
What happened in the NIV when it came to translating the word normally translated with “works” (erga)?
Is there something beyond DEconstruction?
Last week, after a Labor Day reminder, we took stock of the problem of spiritual abuse allegations that we are finding in our own denomination, ACNA. Wednesday I posted the 5 Things I discuss and the 5 Things Hans Boersma discusses in our new books. More to come on that book but I want to give folks time to purchase copies. I dipped into a previous writing with “The question behind the question” on Thursday and then on Friday we had a conversation about leaving the faith.