Mark 10:46-42, the Gospel for Today (from The Second Testament)
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Yēsous gives sight to a sightless man
46 They come into Yiericho [Jericho]. He and his Apprentices and an adequate crowd were journeying from Yerichō . . . the son of Timaios, Bar-Timaios [Bartimaeous], sightless, a supplicant, was sitting along the path.
47 Hearing that it’s Yēsous, the Nazarēnos [Nazarene], he began to cry out and to say, “Dauid’s [David’s] Son, Yēsous, show compassion on me!”
48 Many were rebuking him so he might be silenced. He was crying out all the more, “Dauid’s Son, show compassion on me!” 49 Standing, Yēsous said, “Call him!” They called the sightless man, saying to him, “Be courageous! Rise up! He calls you.” 50 Tossing away his robe, leaping up, he came to Yēsous.
51 Yēsous, responding to him, said, “What do you want that I do for you?” The sightless man said to him, “My Greatness [Rabbi], that I may see again.”
52 Yēsous said to him, “Go away! Your trust has delivered you.” Suddenly he saw again and he was following him on the path.
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