Pain, Story, the Other Side
I’m looking forward to the discussions we could have this week on Substack. By the way, Sunday AM we spotted seven different bald eagles on our walk.
Photo by Richard Lee on Unsplash
To begin with, a pastor’s pain and a pastor’s story. The two are connected, and the latter can lead to the healing of the former. These are not just hard days for pastors, but also for lots of folks — and the big idea of story can help in healing.
Do you, or someone you know, doubt even if there is a God? Has Stephen Hawking or Sam Harris or others laid down statements that more than disrupted your faith? Join us Tuesday.
The “other side” of the apostle Paul, the least recognized side of Paul, the road less traveled with Paul … we dip into the least talked about side of Paul Wednesday.
Thursday: the parable of not one lost son, but two. This parable of Jesus has too often narrowed to one son and not two, and when the second son comes into play the parable offers fresh surprises.
I expect another pastoral reflection from my friend Mike Glenn Friday. But know that we don’t offer our series to the whole public except for the first time, so if you want to read them all — or comment on any of them — and know someone who could benefit from these posts, please send them our way.