Ready for this Week's Substack?
Are you ready, not to rumble, but to read this week’s Substack here at Tov Unleashed? It will be good week, including…
An announcement about The Second Testament — a long time coming but we are on the homestretch now. Join me in the countdown for June 6’s publication date. Tomorrow I will say a few things about the cover. The choice of the color involved a serious conversation.
Too many dismiss CRT, and many who do don’t see the connections: between personal and systemic sins, between human sin and longlasting impacts on others, and between original sin and a corrupted society. At the heart of our corruption is racism.
There are a series of knots tied into the dispensational thread, including the knot that ties conservative politics to conservative theology and, to flip it around, liberal politics to liberal theology. That knot was tied first in the circles around dispensationalism in the USA.
In Root and Bertrand’s excellent new book we discover not only the secular age, but also our nearly inescapable secular lens as well as America’s secular rush. How do we respond to the secular rush and secular lens in this secular age? Wait for it. Join us Thursday for a conversation.
And, as always, I expect my friend Mike Glenn to drop some wisdom for us all. And who knows what else might drop this week!? To enjoy the whole Substack experience, please subscribe: