Tomorrow is “publication date” for Revelation for the Rest of Us. To anticipate the books’ official day, I post what Cody and I call the “Playbill” of Revelation — the cast of characters. Each of these plays a role, or more, in the unfolding drama of the Book of Revelation.
Team Dragon in Babylon
Mission to embody the Way of the Dragon. Rides on the Wild Thing. Royalty, idolatry, opulence, status, arrogance, power, military might, murderous, and economic exploitation. Kills those in the Way of the Lamb. Gathers under her power the kings of the earth, merchants of the world, and sea captains.
Timeless metaphor for empire and injustices and idolatries.
In John’s day, “Babylon” is Rome.
Babylon falls.
Aka: the great prostitute
Mission of accusation, deceit, death. Chases woman but loses. Wages war with Woman’s children. Battles Michael the angel and loses. Control of Wild Things, significant control with the political powers embodied in Babylon.
Defeated by Lamb and by allegiant witnesses. Bound for 1000 years, released, and then destroyed in lake of fire.
Aka: Satan, the Devil
Wild Thing #1 (from sea) [aka, the Beast from the Sea]
Mission to embody the will of the Dragon. Represents chaos, power, deception, and opposition to the Lamb. Ruler of evil empires. One of the dead-heads of the Wild Thing is raised from the dead. Worshiped by humans. Rule is temporary. One third of the unholy trinity: Dragon, Wild Thing #1 and #2.
Wild Thing #2 (from earth) [aka, the Beast from the Earth]
Mission to embody the will of Wild Thing #1 and Dragon. The Sycophant in Chief, the propagandist. Looks like the Lamb, acts like the Dragon. Forces worship of Wild Thing #1, does fraudulent miracles, deceives the world. Forces humans to accept the “mark of the Wild Thing.” Its name is its number, 666.
Nero and others
Jezebel and the Nicolaitans/Nicolaus and Balaam. Representative names, stereotypes for idolatries and sexual immoralities and false teachings.
Team Lamb in New Jerusalem
God on the Throne
The God of Israel, the Father, the sovereign God over all and who orchestrates history toward New Jerusalem. God’s might is matched by God’s gracious love. This God will defeat the Dragon, banish death, and establish life in New Jerusalem.
To God belongs all worship and praise and honor and glory because this God brings salvation through the Lamb.
Trinity: Father, Son (Lamb), and Spirit.
The Seven Spirits
Though some question this, the Seven Spirits is John’s language for the Holy Spirit. The number represents perfection or completeness, and it corresponds to the missions of the Spirit.
The Lamb
In the center of the Throne room and the center of the action in Revelation. The Lord Jesus Christ, and has many names and attributes.
Jesus, Messiah, faithful witness, first born from among the dead, ruler of the kings of the earth, loves us, liberates us, Alpha and Omega, Who is-who was-who is to come, like a son of man, first and last, living one, holds keys of death and hades.
Lion, Lamb, Logos, Light – the Lord over all lords and King over all kings
Savior/Redeemer by his blood
The Allegiant Witnesses
The believers and followers of Jesus in the Way of the Lamb. Seven churches. They are faithful (allegiant) witnesses in life and word to the Way of the Lamb and the rule of king Jesus.
They suffer for their witness.
Known for their works of goodness and love and kindness.
The Woman
Appears to morph in Revelation 12 from Eve to Israel to Mary, mother of Jesus, to the church. Opposed by the Dragon, who tries to kill her and the baby boy (Jesus). She escapes in protection from God. Her offspring is opposed by the Dragon.
Abundant in Revelation, performing missions for God in this world for the redemption of humans.
24 Elders
Surround the Throne. Wearing white with gold crowns.
24 suggests 2 x 12, Israel and the apostles.
They represent the redeemed people of God in worship of God.
Four Living Things
Surround the Throne, they cover their eyes, six wings, praising God endlessly. They intercede. At times guide John through the three times seven judgments/disciplines.
Who are they? They echo the living creatures of Genesis 1 and Ezekiel 1’s four living things.
They represent all creation worshiping God.
Those who worship God are innumerable.
New Jerusalem
This future, ideal city is the world as God designed it to be. It is inhabited by those who want to dwell in God’s presence and with whom God dwells. It is better than the visions of the Greco-Roman visions of society (Plato, Aristotle, Cicero), it fulfills the expectations of Israel’s prophets and more, and it takes the old Jerusalem and becomes the heaven-with-us kingdom of God.
Hoping Amazon comes through with Revolution For the Rest of Us on my doorstep tomorrow!
Thanks for giving us several preview articles. I need all the help I can get. God’s Blessings to you.
Wow. Breathtaking! Encouraging. Awesome.