This Week at Tov Unleashed
It’s been a good week on Tov Unleashed — more discussions, more in the discussions, and we are seeing more subscribers show an interest in the Substack approach.
We began the week with a post about empathy, and the seeming intent of many Christian leaders (pastors, professors, administrators) to mis-define the term and then put a big zero for their mark on empathy. This is a personal and professional failure in all ways.
John Goldingay’s new book about Jeremiah came into focus on Tuesday — Jeremiah seems to talk about most everything vital for anyone in ministry, and especially during a pandemic when so many hurts are visible.
Wednesday: I have been moved by the excellent research in Aaron Griffith’s new book about God’s Law and Order. His book walks us through — shift to shift — as evangelicals first thought of transformation of society through the lens of conversion-as-transformation but then, moving with the tides of society, began to shift toward conversion PLUS law and order, and law order became increasingly punitive justice (instead of restorative justice).
Our free post on Thursday turned again to Brent Strawn and took on the issue of the so-called “God of the Old Testament” complaint. While one cannot dismiss some of the harshness, the God of the OT is the God of Jesus.
Finally, we ended where days begin: with the first in a two-part series on the Jesus Creed in its world.