Aug 4, 2022Liked by Scot McKnight

Complex topic, this. There is so much money in main stream media & it dissuades and blocks truth on some crucial topics or slices of truth - on left, right and even center. (Center propaganda sounds less outrage and more like persuasion to inaction).

Top layer of screening for truth: if a hostile foreign government’s state run media (e.g. RT aka Russia Today or other) has talking poijnts showing up on American news outlets (Fox oftentimes), it’s Anti American propaganda. Anti democracy.

Another layer: if media stirs up outrage, if the “news” host has outrage energy in words or tone, it’s propaganda to keep us in our amygdala. This is everywhere.

The layers continue.

Good news: the Poles who lived through WWII became very well versed in soviet propaganda and could spot it right away - and ignore it. Interesting that in the last 10 yrs, those Poles still alive could see, in the last 10 yrs of uptick, Russian propaganda for what it was. We Americans can learn this, too.

Unmasking Maskirovka by Bagge is a good source for more info

Steven Hassan’s work on brainwashing & cults helps point out brainwashing techniques and how to counter them. The yelling tirades of Alex Jones, for example, are a tool for brain washing. Algorithms funnel people into deeper and deeper techniques to deepen confirmation bias and worse. It’s military grade mind stuff. Hassan is great in providing balanced approach to our loved ones who have gotten caught up in propaganda. He talks about how to approach or not approach those who are in the subset of individuals who may be able to get free of the lies, manipulation, & control.

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Aug 4, 2022Liked by Scot McKnight

It does take work to seek out truth. It takes humility as well.

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As long as we want "truth" wrapped up in two paragraphs we will continue to substitute propaganda for "truth" simply because "truth" requires more than two paragraphs. We choose the "two-paragraph-route" when and because it confirms what we want to believe. Its very succinctness blinds us to nuances we don't want to take the time to consider. And above, beyond, and all around this reality lies the dollar being laid out to the person who can wrap propaganda in a "truth-blanket" that sounds "logical, even profound," but covers nothing in the cold.

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Aug 4, 2022Liked by Scot McKnight

Good stuff - remarkable insight. But doesn't this whole concept apply across the board, i.e., not just to journalism? The truth is boring and people don't pay for boring - not even from God - they got tired of the manna that kept them alive, didn't they? Racism is the tobasco sauce of life. Bad attention is better than no attention. I want to matter, no matter what, even if it is for something that is bad or illegitimate. BLM an interesting choice of a motto.

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Aug 4, 2022Liked by Scot McKnight

Many times what journalists are doing is telling people's stories. Whose stories are included makes a difference. According to Jaques Ellul, propaganda always has a goal, which is action more than belief. I especially pick up on name-calling, and ask, what is real here beyond the name. I pick up on double-talk and vague official statements.

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Aug 5, 2022Liked by Scot McKnight

And this statement is so prevalent for truth and freedom: “in our going forward into a collectivist age without remembering that the price of liberty is eternal vigilance.” We must pay attention to what and with whom we are being steadfast with our witness.

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Aug 5, 2022Liked by Scot McKnight

Lots to think through and examine. I appreciate Brooks (David) and Capehart. Two different views on news and they dialogue with respect and integrity. I think 24 hour news 7 days a week has had a toxivc impact. There is not that much news nor is it good for us. Without “breaking news” that often, news became sensationalized and louder.

Orwell was perceptive.

Did you see The Washington Post with Meryl Streep and Tom Hanks? Raises interesting questions about truth and journalism.

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Aug 5, 2022Liked by Scot McKnight

Scot, if you haven’t read Sue Evans’ guest post on today’s Common Sense with Bari Weiss I encourage you to do so. Sue Evans was one of the first whistle blowers at the prestigious Tavistock Clinic in North London to expose the abuse of puberty blockers on children. She and her husband (a board member of Tavistock) were vilified, of course, but refused to abandon children to mental and physical ruin. The media’s part in her story is the overlap with your column.

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Aug 4, 2022Liked by Scot McKnight

This is one reason I read lots of news sources. I especially appreciate the Christian Science Monitor.

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"The person who imagined that he could not be the victim of propaganda because he could distinguish truth from falsehood, is extremely susceptible to propaganda, because when propaganda does tell the truth, he is then convinced that it is no longer propaganda: moreover, his self-confidence makes him all the more vulnerable to attacks of which he is unaware."

Jacques Ellul

To protect myself...

I listen and read news from the hard left to hard right

Make sure to be in relationship with others who hold different views than me. For example, I have strongly pro and anti-Trump friends. And we talk openly about our differences. Many Christians have told me that they have either lost friends over these sorts of disagreements or agree to not talk about them.

Read books that push me to consider other perspectives

Travel as much as time and money affords to learn about other cultures. Even in America, there are truly many Americas. I just came back from Boston, my favorite American city. New Englanders are very different from those who grew up in my home state of Arizona.

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This is a really great article. Thanks so much. I am a Christian, and I fancy myself as a writer. One thing I've felt convicted on in the wake of the social media chaos (good, bad, both) is to seek truth, then to tell it as much as I'm able. It's likely that I will never have a large reach, but it's important that we "journalists" with small reaches pursue truth and truth-telling, to sow it like seed into the minds and hearts we do touch, and trust God with the growth.

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Thank you .. excellent

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Your article comes across as crazy as what you accuse Fox as saying. You lost me when you blasted Fox but did not mention the left wing media. If it were not for Fox we would have the same situation as Brazil, no truth at all. It blows my mind that you wrote the foreword for Bill Hull's book "Conversion and Discipleship". I agree with most of what you said, I think it could have been said better. I am new to your blog. I won't be reading it again, I hit the unsubscribe button.

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I would be interested in the source of the Orwell quotes. I'm doing some research on imagination and faith and I found something in the quotes that might be useful. thanks in advance.

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I would really like to see a program of teaching disseminated in the Evangelical network where experts in disinformation and propaganda team up with leader(s) in the church environment to teach on IDng truth and lies. There is a way to ID it. We need to equip ourselves. Evangelicals consider ourselves as stewards of “the truth,” and yet so many have fallen prey to lies.

I’d also like to see us give credit to secular citizen journalists who have been at the forefront of calling out lies and BS for years since 2015/2016. They’ve literally sacrificed hours away from sleep and their personal lives - sacrificed - to uncover open source material and reveal what MSM is unwilling or unable to cover. I’m verklept thinking of their sacrifices & the incredible positive impact their work has had. I have friends who are simply unwilling to give secular folk credit for protecting truth.

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Very interesting! Not long ago, there was plenty of propaganda? about the large numbers of clergy leaving ministry. Another example of propaganda vs truth?

How does our “truth” matter today? Has that always been the case for people of faith? We’re Jesus’ parables part propaganda that led the listeners deeper into the truth? Thank you for your continued thought provocation, Scot! Great propaganda!😊

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