Why this way?
You might have expected scholars and religious leaders to have predicted his impending arrival; experts discussing the significance of the upcoming event for months beforehand. Crowds gathered in Bethlehem waiting with bated breath to welcome God’s long-awaited Messiah
What you got was a private message to a group of uneducated sheep herders; a visit by some mysterious pagan star gazers, and later in Jerusalem a couple of pious Old Age Pensioners being let in on the secret before they died …
Why this way?
You might have expected a mother of wealth, class and social standing; with robes of silk and of royal blood; a lady of substance, pampered and protected, familiar with pomp and ceremony. Suited perfectly to the job.
What you got was a teenage peasant girl from a Galilean backwater faced with social, personal and spiritual catastrophe by the prospect of being an unmarried mother of an illegitimate child in a man’s world. An enforced journey of 90 miles for a heavily pregnant woman; registration at the command of a distant dictator.
Why this way?
You might have expected a palace; splendid and imposing. Tastefully decorated, lined with gold and purple; all possible comfort provided; first class medical expertise on hand to look after this invaluable new life. An entrance into the world truly fit for a king.
What you got was birth in an anonymous peasant home with adjoining animal shelter; a simple room filled with the acrid smell of urine, and straw for a bed
Why this way?
You might have expected public celebrations of the birth by crowds of enthusiastic well-wishers; messages of goodwill from kings, queens and emperors, movers and shakers; religious leaders, political power-brokers, and wealthy benefactors.
What you got was a child-killing death squad sent at the command of a vicious despot, and refugee status in a foreign land.
Why this way?
You might have expected a childhood of privilege, honour and respect. Being prepared for a life of wealth, power and cocooned luxury. Accustomed to instant obedience and every need catered for.
What you got was the mundane routine of small village life for 30 years. Learning a trade. A life spent without owning a home, leaving behind not one written word, rarely travelling outside the small region of Galilee and Judea. Only experiencing luxury in the palaces of his accusers.
Why this way?
You might have expected a messianic mission aimed at political power; speeches whipping up emotion; the relentless pursuit of popularity; threats of violence to liberate the land; nationalistic rhetoric to gain the crowd’s loyalty and devotion.
What you got was ‘love your enemies’; ‘turn the other cheek’; ‘bless those who curse you’; ‘whoever humbles himself like a child is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven’ ‘I have come to give my life as a ransom for many’, ‘the first shall be last and the last shall be first’
Why this way?
You might have expected a messiah to lead his people into glorious triumph over the occupying Roman forces. Victory parades; adoring crowds, songs and speeches; then monuments and memories.
What you got was ‘put away your sword’ and ‘My kingdom is not of this world.’ A coward’s secret betrayal, abandonment by friends, a kangaroo court; brutal undeserved violence, torture, mockery, public humiliation and a slow agonising death
Why this way?
You might have expected a ‘vindication tour’ after the resurrection; gleeful shaming of enemies; a surprise visit to Caiaphas and then Pontius Pilate perhaps.
What you got was an appearance to an unimportant woman in the garden. A walk in the country with two lamenting men; patient convincing of frightened and doubting disciples; and breakfast on a beach, before disappearing all together, leaving behind only the stories of his followers.
Why this way?
Why this way? Because that’s how God hid his treasures of wisdom and knowledge (Col 2). Perhaps they were hidden so only those with eyes to see will find them. These treasures are hidden in Christ, and we need a renewed mind and renewed eyes or else the treasures will not be recognizable. They will appear as foolishness. And Prov 25:2 says God conceals the revelation of his word in the hiding place of his glory, which in my mind is brilliant. He hid these treasures in plain sight, in the radiance of God’s glory—his Son (Heb 1)so that all who have eyes to see could see. This is the brilliant wisdom of the Upside-Down Kingdom.
Thank you