This will be more than a normal week at this Substack — that I can promise you.
Not only will we discuss how creation and new creation can shape a Christian approach to “critical race theory” …
Not only will we be approaching the “secular rush” approach to life and how resonance — being here with these people at this moment — can liberate us from the secular rush…
But also we will be explaining how fundamentalism’s two varieties got tied into dispensationalism and how they also got disconnected from dispensationalism …
And also how evangelicalism in the 1970s through the 2010s both took positions, adjusted, and criticized persons who identify as LGBTQ and evangelical.
I cannot make all these public because, well, it won’t be safe. So think of subscribing.
Maybe I got confused but I thought you stepped down from leading some church recently... but maybe it was some you were interviewing instead.
I’m loving your retirement, Scot. Looks like you have more time to read and write.