An Exciting Week for Tov Unleashed
Rick Warren’s Saddleback Church ordained three women recently, drawing fire from the likes of Denny Burk and Owen Strachan, and we will have a post Monday explaining what’s going on the SBC. A guest post by Beth Allison Barr. Sign up because the post will be open for all.
We’re committed here to reading and discussing books of note.
Photo by Ed Robertson on Unsplash
Tuesday we ask if we should “air the church’s dirty laundry.” John Dickson takes this question on in his new book.
How did we get to where we think women preaching and teaching is something new, something innovative, and something against the church’s tradition? Wednesday’s post takes this one on with a look at Margery Kempe and other women who’ve been all but erased from our church history books.
Thursday we turn again to the new biography about Eugene Peterson with the common ache so many pastors and others have of “there’s got to be more than this.”
Friday, back to the Pharisees and we will examine Jesus’ own criticisms of the Pharisees. What was the big issue? (Not what most think.)