Scot, has there been any thoughts to somewhere keeping an ongoing list of the books you are reviewing? You are one of a few places I look for book recommendations but I'm a bit late to the game and with working through 3-4 books at a time each week, it would be handy to have one place to find them all. Just a thought. Thanks for the work you are doing. It has been helpful and challenging, in good ways, for one who is desiring to conform my thinking, words, and actions to the Bible but has lots of baggage from almost 50 years in the evangelical world.
Jon, I've never done that but it would be pages and pages of items. I would have had to start doing that some 15 years ago but never did -- nor did I ever think of doing it.
That's what I figured. I may just start where the substack starts and go from there. Though the Peterson biography and Beth's new book are taking a good bit of time right now, one because anything by or about Peterson I want to read slowly and the other because I want to give it an honest, charitable reading. I do appreciate that you deal with some books that probably do not get much online interaction that is actually engagement and not posturing.
Many years ago an editor friend told me to keep it varied on the blog so I have chosen over the years to read books from a variety of disciplines that are interesting to me and that may help pastors. That's been my practice.
Good advice. In my previous church calling, I was one of seven pastors. They referred to me as the "eclectic" pastor because, in their words, I didn't fit neatly into any categories and because I read books they had never heard of by people they had never heard of. I think it keeps me from becoming static and stale
Scot, has there been any thoughts to somewhere keeping an ongoing list of the books you are reviewing? You are one of a few places I look for book recommendations but I'm a bit late to the game and with working through 3-4 books at a time each week, it would be handy to have one place to find them all. Just a thought. Thanks for the work you are doing. It has been helpful and challenging, in good ways, for one who is desiring to conform my thinking, words, and actions to the Bible but has lots of baggage from almost 50 years in the evangelical world.
Jon, I've never done that but it would be pages and pages of items. I would have had to start doing that some 15 years ago but never did -- nor did I ever think of doing it.
That's what I figured. I may just start where the substack starts and go from there. Though the Peterson biography and Beth's new book are taking a good bit of time right now, one because anything by or about Peterson I want to read slowly and the other because I want to give it an honest, charitable reading. I do appreciate that you deal with some books that probably do not get much online interaction that is actually engagement and not posturing.
Many years ago an editor friend told me to keep it varied on the blog so I have chosen over the years to read books from a variety of disciplines that are interesting to me and that may help pastors. That's been my practice.
Good advice. In my previous church calling, I was one of seven pastors. They referred to me as the "eclectic" pastor because, in their words, I didn't fit neatly into any categories and because I read books they had never heard of by people they had never heard of. I think it keeps me from becoming static and stale