Coming This Week
Comments in the bottom comment box sometimes stir me into a response or riffing off the comment. Tomorrow morning I will riff on a comment on the “Social Media Speaks” last week. The comment was about how best to explain the context for the excerpt published recently at the TGC’s website. I thought about that comment all day that day. So tomorrow, stop by here for the riff.
The Nones and the Dones and the so-called “Sunday Assembly” of atheists doing church without the “God bits” — How do the various forms of religious unbelief organize themselves? Or do they? Stop by Tuesday.
On Wednesday we dip into a perennial topic of immense concern for church life but especially for those who wonder what happens to those who die. Where are they? It’s traditional for Christians both to say "they are with God” and to believe we are not fully ourselves without a body. Many believe in a unity between “spirit” or “soul” and “body.” But what does the Old Testament/Hebrew Bible actually say? And does it speak with one voice? Got your interest? Join us Wednesday.
I will choose an excerpt from our book Revelation for the Rest of Us. I’ll lay it down like this for today: one reason so many evangelical Christians so meekly endorsed the previous President was because of a profound, long-term lack of political discipleship. When Revelation’s discipleship message means “we won’t be left behind” the whole book collapses in on itself into end-time speculation and prediction. But that’s not what the Book of Revelation is designed to do. Join us.
Friday we will be joined by our good friend Mike Glenn.
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