Pardon my long comment but there is so much to chew on here! "How does worshiping the Lamb in the midst of empire become dissident worship?" I love the idea that embodied habits set the stage for this. And how a life of gratitude and surrender is evidence worship is present in someone's life. I have been reading lots of Bonhoeffer and his idea of being fully human and fully unified in Spirit sticks with me. Without surrender or personal sacrifice, without gratitude and excitement about what God is doing, habits will become about us. And without embodied habits, we are not following the Lamb and can easily submit to the empire and neglect to act responsibly when God calls us to do so.

Lately, I have been focusing on "loving myself" so that I can "love God" and "love my neighbor". This means I have been focusing on being healthy, both mentally and physically. This has ABSOLUTELY set the stage for me to be a better listener, less reactive, more helpful and energized when I have the opportunity to meet practical needs. I think most evangelical women struggle with the foundational concept of loving ourselves so I am doing my best to address that in my blog about the 12 steps. Good, sweet church people can easily fall into codependency which can be remedied by the 12 steps (eg. Al Anon). I don't have a lot of readers yet, but I feel that it's important so I keep writing. Maybe that is a form of dissident worship? I sure hope so!

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Thank you so much for this Lindsey.

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Scot --

Looking forward to reading the book as well. Sadly, the link on the book's webpage to download the questions does not work. :(

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Works for me, just now. You have to click a couple items to get to the files.

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Hmm, I see it now. Not terribly obvious. :)

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Looking forward to reading the whole book. Unfortunately we have to wait until May in the UK to get the hard copy!

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Sorry about that.

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Thank you

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How do we, or should we, differentiate between habit(s) and a formula and it’s ingredients?

The Lord’s Supper/The Eucharist/Holy Communion/The Table/Etc. Represents a, or, THE, foundational, and experiential Habit of worship while following Jesus. Jesus’ instruction, at the “Last Supper,” would possibly put this into a daily worship habit within an all encompassing walk with, and following Jesus.

I know that we are dealing with a specific look at a specific piece of scripture, but we also have centuries of experience between now and then, as well as some wonderful literary works on Revelation just within this forum. Love it!

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Greg, I'm not entirely sure what you are asking.

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I’m sorry. Too many thoughts.

As I thought about “habit(s)” I thought about folks who have expressed that there is a “correct” formula for our worship. It has to have the correct ingredients, or we disgrace God rather than worship God.

Which led to thinking about “The Lords Supper.” I have experienced push-back when circumstances have led to celebrating The Lord’s Supper more than once a month. I have been accused of trying to make us into Roman Catholics.

As well as thoughts on Jesus’ words of instruction to remember Him as often as we do this, and I have suggested that any time we “break bread” we are remember Him. So, how important is this as part of our worship habit, and habits within worship?

And, finally, does any of what I’ve mentioned even fit with the direction of this thread of discussion?

We have your and Cody’s work, Greg Carey’s work, and the Volf/McAnnally-Linz work - all about the same pot of chili part of scripture.

I’m not confused by this wealth of literature to study and discuss, as much as I’m almost as excited about it all as a kid place in a pile of Lego pieces! We are free to make many things as we experience the thrill of discovery. At 68, I wish I’d had this feeling 30 years ago, but I treasure having it now.

Sometimes My thumb doesn’t think as much as it should!🤣

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Yes each of those fits into the direction of John’s vision of worship.

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My apologies, Scot. I didn’t read today’s post with the chapter in the book in mind.

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Okay, one connection I see is to take “Follow Me and I’ll teach you to fish for people”, along with the fish symbol for those dissident disciples. Then “Feed My sheep, directed by The Lamb, and having that living symbol to worship. Even bringing in my earlier comments about The Lord’s Supper, we do have a living worship bringing life and purpose to dissident disciples now. Thank you, Scot and Cody!

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And, Babylon today is a real disrupter. Dissident discipleship is relevant!

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Sorry. Worship is vital to provide an environment of The Way, The Truth, and The Life from The Lamb!

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