Is inaugurated eschatology the same as/similar to amillennialism?

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Perhaps this quote of Derek Prince is appropriate in considering eschatology: There are two things: the actual and the ideal. To be mature is to see the ideal and live with the actual. To fail is to accept the actual and reject the ideal; and to accept only that which is ideal and refuse the actual is to be immature. Do not criticize the actual because you have seen the ideal; Do not reject the ideal because you see the actual. Maturity is to live with the actual but hold on to the ideal.

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Yes, it does have a big influence in people’s thoughts, beliefs, and hopes. Too much, in my honest opinion. Too many people live, seeing only the finish line painted by their belief and hope driven eschatology. It’s all about living to achieve that eschatological goal. Then, the road-of-life becomes very narrow, and those who occupy it have their place in the line, driving a vehicle equipped with a snowplow blade to keep the unworthy off!

Okay, that’s not a very kind or optimistic view, which is probably why I have difficulties, or fun, with those on that path.

I like the bottom line note of that eschatology, in that God’s justice wins out!

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