This hits really close to home. I lost the quote I pulled on the app here but the inner tension, and I think you said "apologize your way into the room," was super damaging to me. I haven't been in pastoral ministry for several years now. I want to go back but it's hard to see a way. Thanks for this article. I'm going to grab the book.

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Some of these gals are going to figure out they need to market to women and forget about the men. Market is a terrible word, but that is what's happening. I really don't care what the shape of the body that is teaching and some men will find working for and with women easier than all this ambition and competition. Being "nurturing" creates collaboration.

It seems God set this up for mama to spend A LOT of time WITH children. Children are not objects. Understanding how humans develop and then being available to do that is a FULL TIME JOB. It's NOT fair. AND the right thing, the kind thing may be she's going to have to pray, reflect, get a God hearing counselor and listening community to discern IF she should choose. Form your kids well or lead. We all WANT it all. And God designed us with limits. There needs to be more attention on how we are designed. We are all designed to desire meaningful work. Finding out what that is BEFORE having childen seems important.

What I'm noticing is women I'm meeting, 45-60, are talking more and more about seminary. There's a lot of interest in spiritual things, they are enrolling in all sorts of classes and trainings. They are finding each other in these venues. Then they realize a degree is possible. There's online groups and traveling to be with each other. I think it's hopeful. In home churches, ministering in neighborhoods is going to be wonderful! A woman who starts at 45 has 40 years to talk about Jesus. I'm currently attending a church of about 85 people. There are 3 women, one just graduated with her Ph.D, one just enrolled in the program and the third is midway through. They are all older.

This is an extraordinary and exciting time for women. And Scott, we are thankful for your voice!

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Whew I feel this. Particularly the challenge of how when I am direct (leading), I become perceived negatively. I feel the pressure to hide my strength — as you quoted, to apologize my way into the room. I also worry about the financial implications you mention. It’s a lot of pressure!

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“What they are likely responding to (though they don't even know this is what is happening in the recesses of their mind) is their own fallenness – fallenness that makes us all prone to want hierarchies over partnerships.”

The above quote had flashing lights when I read it! The issue of “fallenness that makes us all prone to want hierarchies over partnerships” is really big! As Barney Fife would say - “it’s really, really big.”

Image is everything! When a man is at the top of the “hierarchical” structure, whether he’s competent at all, or not, the threat,of looking less in charge causes more abuse than if “the man-boss” is the weakest link, but can fake it really well!

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