Thank you Scott for your Saturday morning meanderings , very informative and very interesting.

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“Yes, I know the argument is that women and men are spiritually the same with different roles, but isn’t it time to call this argument what it is?” Yes. Amen. Double talk. Say same to pacify us then slam us with spiritual abuse that God would treat women like they do!

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So is that healing plant Frankincense? As to books as a source of fun, one of the joys of my heart is that our adult children have carried on the practice of family reading, and a love of books. Two families are going through some of the classics, but my teen grand children have introduced us to some good new books. The sharing of book ideas, and what we are reading is a special part of family gatherings and friendships. What a richness reading brings to our lives. I'd like to hear your further thoughts on women being more accepting of the LGBTQ community. As to archaeology finds, fascinating!

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