Thank you Scott for your Saturday meanderings.

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About ending a sentence with a preposition: There is a story I read somewhere about Winston Churchill during WW II. His speeches had to be reviewed by a censor, to be sure no military secrets were inadvertently revealed. One censor had the temerity to correct his grammar, so that a sentence did not end with a preposition. Churchill is reported to have said to Parliament, This is interference up with which I will not put! (Don't know if it's true, but it's a good story.)

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Don't take this the wrong way, I love your meanderings. But I like it when they have more....kick, like today. Sometime they just seem to be ripped from CNN, Yahoo, or some other lame mainstream news source. I like it when you draw our attention to stuff that maybe we are more likely to have missed. With that said I will try to engage with migratory birds and stuff like that a little more😄

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Also, I happen to like the "lame mainstream" media, especially CNN.

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I hear ya, but my guess is that many folks have also already seen them.

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Jim, You can blame the boring meanderings on me (Kris, Scot's wife) who picks them up from lame mainstream news sources".

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