I am also a unicorn & for many many years I fought it. I’m left handed; I love math; I hate cooking; I’m a sporty girl that dislikes fuss. I work in a technical field with mostly men. And I love Jesus. I used to think that I just didn’t fit the “Godly Christian” role. My husband stayed home with our children and I’m still the primary “bread winner” in our home. But through all my struggles of trying to fit into the Church - I finally am doing the proper flipping and rotating to see I fit in just fine!! God made lots of unicorns & loves them all!!

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Good for you!

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Thank you for Blue Parakeet!!

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Thank you for this. I definitely don’t “fit the mold,” and finally, at age 60, am realizing that it’s all right. As I discover who God wants me to be, as opposed to whom others want me to be, I find myself more able to be myself, and in that way, to both bless others and be blessed. What freedom! There will always be pushback, but I am learning to stay on track, accepting that which will keep me on track, and disregarding that which would push me off. Many blessings to you in your own ministry!

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Thank you

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Love this! I hope to be this kind of unicorn when my husband retires from the service and we settle down next year.

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Timely for me. Thanks for this!

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