WOW! I'm sendig this to everybody I know! Kat doesn't waste words!

I hope you are posting part 2. Last night I started listening to this sermon about false teaching. And I've been listening to Tim Alberta talk about his book The Kingdom, The Power and The Glory for several months. This sort of system has affected this country in such a huge way it's mind boggling. We have this need for connection and community and logically we go to church expecting the best and end up with this wacky scenario called he 2024 Election. "Church" being the primary system influencing millions of people. A narcissist will effectively twist Scripture. Where is the Holy Spirit??? Are all the people in these systems believers? They get violent. Even attacking Alberta at his dad's funeral.

When people like Kat and Beth Allison and Aimee and Beth Moore and Russell Moore have to leave churches it's fairly hard to believe that the spiritual formation notion that church is a necessity is true. People need connection and community so they can grow through vulnerability and confession, but I'm not convinced that "church" is where that happens best.

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Deep thanks for re-printing the whole article -- such a good read on the topic. The churches need to hear this over and over and over.

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Thank you Scott

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