Thank you Scott

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This is incredibly useful for something that's been keenly on my mind for weeks. Thanks for letting us know about this publication and for this short guided tour through the contents of the book. "we will have to redesign [the system] to include female genius and contribution"... Yes! And we also have to include other of those voices, excluded by the inertia of power, with all the silence and invisibility it imposes, that are also included in this book. Thank you for this.

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P.S. I just started reading this fascinating book. Now, a chapter on people with disabilities would have been nice (if it's there, I did look for it, but I haven't seen it). The challenge this poses to important ideas (such as "imago dei") and the challenge this poses to regular faith-based practices (like prayer for people with certain cognitive disabilities and church attendance for families of special-needs children with "church-disruptive" behavior) are ideas that may be left unexplored, as fruitful as their exploration would be. These are questions I've grappled with personally while raising my son.

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