Excellent on many levels. From my experience, people struggle to forgive because they think their forgiveness let’s the offender get away with it. And second, the issue of trust; restoration of the relationship. Too many times people think forgiveness means the relationship returns to how it was before the offense. As you wisely point out, forgiveness becomes the beginning point for the possibility of a restored relationship. The lost son’s obvious change of behavior should be a key indicator that restoration requires the offender to change. Indeed it seems to me change is exactly what demonstrates repentance. More people could experience the liberation of forgiveness if they understood these concepts. Keep teaching it. We need the continuing reminder.
Excellent Monday morning read. Thank you
Excellent on many levels. From my experience, people struggle to forgive because they think their forgiveness let’s the offender get away with it. And second, the issue of trust; restoration of the relationship. Too many times people think forgiveness means the relationship returns to how it was before the offense. As you wisely point out, forgiveness becomes the beginning point for the possibility of a restored relationship. The lost son’s obvious change of behavior should be a key indicator that restoration requires the offender to change. Indeed it seems to me change is exactly what demonstrates repentance. More people could experience the liberation of forgiveness if they understood these concepts. Keep teaching it. We need the continuing reminder.
More applicable than I can write about. Thank you. I will have this on a re-read.
I love the image of the Father standing between his two sons as mediator and reconciler.