In the amazing Book of Revelation, which is a discipleship manual for those living in empire, a central word describing a follower of Jesus is the word witness. As a noun (“witness, testimony”) you can find it at 1:2, 9; 6:9; 11:7; 12:11, 17; 19:10, and 20:4. As a verb (“to witness, testify, to embody the way of the Lamb”), you can find it at 1:2; 22:16, 18, 20. The notion of a witness can be connected as well to a martyr. The word “witness” translates the Greek term
This is such an important dimension of Revelation. Blount is one of few to translate hypomonē as resistance. But I'm convinced that's right. It's the hypomonē of the mother and 7 brothers in 4 Maccabees that results in Judah's redemption. And it's the combination of witness and resistance that brings victory in Revelation (1:9; I think 12:11 is key.)
Thank you for bringing this out. I can't wait to get to sharing this book around, even at the cost of sales for myself. :)
I am thinking of Luke 12:49-53 especially when read the article and the subtitle of the book. Jesus shook things up. Made us reconsider what truly following Jesus means.
This is such an important dimension of Revelation. Blount is one of few to translate hypomonē as resistance. But I'm convinced that's right. It's the hypomonē of the mother and 7 brothers in 4 Maccabees that results in Judah's redemption. And it's the combination of witness and resistance that brings victory in Revelation (1:9; I think 12:11 is key.)
Thank you for bringing this out. I can't wait to get to sharing this book around, even at the cost of sales for myself. :)
Thanks Greg. I got my copies just today so I hope to get one in the mail in the next few days.
I am thinking of Luke 12:49-53 especially when read the article and the subtitle of the book. Jesus shook things up. Made us reconsider what truly following Jesus means.
I can't wait for this book!
Wow! Lots of resources and lots to learn!