Thank you, Mike! Good word. I almost didn’t read this, because of the title “Right-Sizing The Church.”

Do we need to break away from human, “business success” terminology to allow “Jesus-Sizing” Its place. Your word today brings us great nourishment for “Jesus Sizing”, otherwise known as one-on-one discipleship. When coupled with the great points you make, Jesus rises in community. I am grateful for the wisdom and conversation that takes place here!

There was great joy this past Monday, in the small town, in which I live and pastor, when the totality(total darkness) of the eclipse was replaced in an instant with the light of the Sun, and we heard cheers, fireworks, and saw smiles and tears! A rare moment when science prepared us for a wonder of God’s creation!

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Thank you Mike

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Great insights. How do you reconcile the two peoples, the ones who do church from home and the desire for community. Do you mean there are essentially two groups of people who “do” church differently for different reasons, or is there a Venn diagram here? Thanks.

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