Thank you Mike , grateful for Your writings

And Scott and Kris as well

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Thank you, Mike 😊

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Thanks for your regular Friday pastoral posts, Mike. I have shared them with many pastors, including my son. I do have a small, gentle editorial suggestion for your post today. I think your parenthetical comment (“Is it just me that thinks most of what is written in the name of Christianity is junk? Of course, I’m not including Scot’s books…”) was TMI and too easily misunderstood, perhaps even coming across as hubris. So even if it was accurate, I’m not sure it strengthened your excellent main reflection. For me it was a distraction, probably fueled by a 45-year career in Christian publishing.

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Thank you for this piece, Mike. One thing that I have noticed about the pervasive gratitude culture is that lots of nonbelievers seem to practice it, filling those gratitude journals partly for the psychological benefits of gratitude. It’s one thing to practice mindfulness or cultivating happiness from a nontheistic worldview. But doesn’t gratitude require someone or something you’re giving thanks to (as you illustrated so well in this piece, Mike)? Who are nonbelievers giving thanks to when filling those journals? I’ve wondered about this.

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