According to Miroslav Volf and Ryan McAnnally-Linz, The Home of God: A Brief Story of Everything, the great paradox of John’s Gospel “is that the Word, the insuppressibly lively abiding source of all created life, came not just to dwell among humans as YHWH did among the Israelites but to die a painful and demeaning death on the cross.
“Very interesting!” Once again recalling the voice of Sgt. Schultz in Hogan’s Heroes. This time, as the character himself. Schultz seemed to have the, proverbial, “wool” pulled over his eyes. However, he also seemed to respect and honor the “good fight” of the POW’s. Which points to 2 Timothy 4:7 and 1 Timothy 6:12, and those references to fighting the good fight.
Jesus fought the good fight much differently than the powers-that-be did then, or at any time throughout history, even today!
Even today, those who try to “fight the GOOD fight, are dismissed by those who, perhaps, have power, and the “zombies” who follow along. The continuing dichotomy? Those who follow earthly power challenged by those who follow the Good Way, Truth, and Life with Jesus!
“Very interesting!” Once again recalling the voice of Sgt. Schultz in Hogan’s Heroes. This time, as the character himself. Schultz seemed to have the, proverbial, “wool” pulled over his eyes. However, he also seemed to respect and honor the “good fight” of the POW’s. Which points to 2 Timothy 4:7 and 1 Timothy 6:12, and those references to fighting the good fight.
Jesus fought the good fight much differently than the powers-that-be did then, or at any time throughout history, even today!
Even today, those who try to “fight the GOOD fight, are dismissed by those who, perhaps, have power, and the “zombies” who follow along. The continuing dichotomy? Those who follow earthly power challenged by those who follow the Good Way, Truth, and Life with Jesus!