This Past Week on Tov Unleashed
We began the week, as we have been doing and will continue to do for a few more weeks, looking at Beth Barr’s book about the so-called “biblical womanhood,” and focused on her question: What if they’re wrong? Will they ask?, many are asking me.
What about Jesus and money? What does it mean to be Christian in our approach to possessions and finances? We dipped into a new book about this topic, landing where they land on the big principles for Christians to consider.
If you grew up reading the KJV (as I did) you have had an edition that had “unicorns” in the Old Testament. Dan Kimball, launching from questions people ask him about the Bible, like “Does the Bible believe in unicorns?,” into how we can learn (not) to read the Bible so we can learn to read the Bible better. A good book for your shelves.
Eugene Peterson’s new biography opens up a door into a big room where Eugene discusses what pastoring is all about as he learns to be the kind of pastor God called him to be. Our conversations on this book, which are open to all and will continue to be open to all, have been enriching.
And on Friday I continued my short series on the Pharisees.