What Happened at Tov Unleashed Last Week?
When Rick Warren’s Saddleback Church ordained three women, it unleashed social and theological commentary. Beth Barr wrote a newsletter/post for us about the Heart of the SBC” in which she used the argument of Barry Hankins: social tension and cultural resistance.
We are looking at a new book that goes through church to show the good and bad, the bullies and the saints — a book by John Dickson — and we looked Tuesday Christians learning to be “good losers.”
A second guest post, which is very uncommon for us, this week was by a specialist on the complementarian discussion: Jamin Hübner, who challenged Al Mohler’s “obvious” readings of Scripture. Not so obvious, after all.
Our conversation about dimensions of the pastoral life, as we discern it through the new biography of Eugene Peterson, continued this week. Once again, the comments demonstrate the value of Substack’s ability to nurture conversations.
And I continue to open the window to my classroom lectures on Fridays: we are now looking at the Pharisees. Next week we look at the meaning of “hypocrisy.”