What's Coming This Week at Tov Unleashed
It’s always fun for me to get posts set up, or at least planned, for the week ahead because I get to anticipate our conversations.
I will begin the week with a post open for all about pastors pastoring and preaching “with a limp.” That is, pastoring out of their own pain. We begin our series about Gardner Taylor with Jared Alcántara’s book, Learning from a Legend.
Tuesday we will look at the big ideas of Michael Sandel’s book, The Tyranny of Merit, which cracks open the meritocratic culture of the USA and why it has boiled over into so much populist unrest. Quite a stunning book. His book is called The Tyranny of Merit: What’s Become of the Common Good?
Wednesday I dip into R.W.L. Moberly’s book, The God of the Old Testament, with a post called “Thoughts about God.”
Thursday we turn again to our responses from pastors about preaching from Revelation, and then Friday — I’m still pondering what to explore with you.