Thank you. What you did was difficult — a faithful witness. I’m sad that so many evangelicals, with such a staunch stance on the Bible’s authority, are so biblically illiterate about nationalism — a severe wound to our witness.

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Thank you so much, Mike. I am a pastor and reader from Canada, and it disturbs me when I hear what is happening to part of the church in the United States and their embrace of Christian nationalism. And in the last 10 years or so it's becoming more evident in Canada. May we be faithful to one body, one Spirit, one hope, "one Lord, one faith, one God and Father of all who is over all and through all and in all". I always look forward to reading your articles.

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I'm catching up on my reads here after a week of guests. I have wondered if those who insist on pairing "Nationalism" with "Christian" would go that route if seeing how incongruent the term "Jesus Nationalism" would be? I am deeply troubled by the association. It seems a barrier to loving the world as Jesus does and to our connection with believers in Jesus all around the world.

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Good thoughts. I recall a seminary professor (a couple of decades ago) using this issue as an example about changing things in churches. His point was that often such moves (especially when is is a deep part of the culture) should be done incrementally, and that it should be planned more like moving the Titanic, rather than turning a speed boat.

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Praise the LORD! GOOD for you, Mike!

I love what you did and this article about it. I kind of agree with Rick that maybe this should have been done more slowly with you bringing it up to your board, talking about it with your congregation, maybe taking a vote . . . but then the flags would still be there, huh! Jesus didn't consult with his disciples, or discuss what he wanted to do with His followers, or, God forbid, consult the religious rulers of His day, before He cleansed the Temple of the moneychangers, did He? I guess that you're just lucky that you didn't get stoned or that you survived it if you did.

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Thank you Mike

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